
About me

When diagnosing, I primarily try to read information from the patient's body and posture, the tension of the musculoskeletal structures, and the breathing pattern. In my work, I use delicate manual work to eliminate tension accumulated in the body, breathing therapy, body awareness exercises, osteopathic techniques, education how to regulate the autonomic nervous system, and global "listening".
By working with the patient's body, I somehow release tension (which may also provoke the release of emotions "locked" in the body), improve posture, and facilitate the return to proper breathing. The function of such work is to support the body on its way to harmony, to show the body how it can feel, but without translating this work into the patient's cooperation in everyday life, this effect would be short-lived. Therefore, it is very important for me to help the patient understand his or her own body, open up to feeling the body and respond appropriately to its signals. Only placing each of us in the context of our history, surroundings, our personality, what we do and what we don't do every day allows us to better understand the burdens our body is subjected to and look for an individual path to make it optimal for our unique body.
I am also a mother of two small children, changing my lifestyle due to the increased number of responsibilities, less sleep, a lot of emotions that children generate in me was and is also a unique lesson for me about how the body can react to what is happening in our lives and how, if we do not listen to his voice, may call louder and louder for help. I devote a lot of attention to working with myself by participating in numerous workshops (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, Feldenkrais, Lowen method) and in my everyday life, paying attention to the care of the body and spirit: physical activity, rest, regulation of the nervous system.


I completed my master's degree in Physiotherapy at the Collegium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow in 2007, and in 2013 I defended my doctorate at the Academy of Physical Education in Krakow. Many years of observation of patients, their posture, how they breathe, what they are like as people and how this affects the ailments of their bodies and how quickly they recover from various traumatic injuries, aroused in me great curiosity about why this is so. This curiosity encouraged me to undertake postgraduate studies in Psychosomatics and somatopsychology at the SWPS University of Humanities and Social Sciences in Warsaw, which allowed me to better understand how our body and mind function and their mutual interaction, and also how many factors influence who we are and how to respectfully observe the phenomenon that is a human being and skillfully support the body. As a researcher, it is also natural for me to follow scientific knowledge regarding psychosomatics, including the psychophysiology of stress, psychoneuroimmunology and neuroscience. One of the articles I read resulted in contact with its author and a trip to Norway (University of Bergen) to learn about the method of body assessment used there, taking into account the influence of the mind on the body function. The Scandinavian countries are the cradle of psychosomatic physiotherapy - working with the patient taking into account the relationship between the mind and the body, i.e. the fact that the body responds to physical and psychological stress with tension, which over time affects flexibility, the ability to relax, as well as muscle tension and breathing. Each new experience, course or book I read about psychosomatics fuels my fascination with this topic even more. This fascination gives me great curiosity about each patient, openness to their individual situation and the joy of helping.

Specialized courses

2022 - Osteopathic approach to psychosomatic disorders (Jakub Stępnik) - Module 1 and 2
2018 - Therapy of myofascial trigger points with functional diagnostics of the musculoskeletal system (Marcin Brzozowski)
2015 - FDM – Fascial distortion model according to Stephen Typaldos D.O. – Module 1 to 3
2013-2014 - Cyriax course in orthopedic medicine (module I and II)
2010 - Medical therapeutic training-  Mr Lasse Thue
2009 - Stabilization, part Stability - instability - Stanisław Legocki
2009 - Mobilization of the Nervous System according to Butler
2009 - Scientific and training course "Knee joint" PTTS
2008 - Kinesiology - Taping - Dr Kenzo Kase
2008 - 2009 - Manual Therapy in a Holistic Approach (VI modules) - Dr Andrzej Rakowski
2006 - Thera-Band Academy basic course: Resistance and balance exercises using Thera-Band equipment - bands and balls
2005 - Classic massage course

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