
About me

Let me help you understand your body better and feel good in it!


My name is Agata Masłoń, I have a master's degree in physiotherapy and a doctor degree in the field of physical culture sciences. I also completed postgraduate studies in Psychosomatics and Somatopsychology. My professional path so far has shown me that in therapeutic work, apart from focusing on the symptom that comes to the fore, it is necessary to look at the background, what caused the symptom to appear and what factors influence its durability. What's fascinating to me is a body that remembers, that can change under the influence of what happens in our lives, how we function on a daily basis, how we treat it, what emotions we feel. The body silently consents to everything, tries to keep up with us and meet our expectations. However, when they exceed its capabilities, it gives us signals: discomfort, a feeling of tension, pain. When working with a patient, it is important for me to understand the path his body has taken so far, its history, and what it is like now - what loads the body is subjected to, what emotions accompany it on a daily basis. All this affects the symptom that appears - the body's signal that it needs help.

"The natural healing power present in each of us is the greatest power that allows us to return to health" Hippocrates
Take a free breath, feel your body and awaken the power hidden in it!


Chronic spine and/or joint pain

Chronic headache
and migraines

Pain of unknown

Chronic feeling
of fatigue

Difficulties in
breathing freely

Difficulty in



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